Featured Products Widget

Featured Products is an extremely flexible widget that lets you showcase top products of your store in an eye-catching and responsive sliding gallery or grid. With this widget, you can display any number of products from all catalog, specific categories or a list of products of your choice. Add unlimited Featured Products blocks to any CMS page or static block and filter your products using 6 presets.

There’s no better and more convenient way to recommend your customers the latest bestsellers, new releases or any other group of products anywhere you want than with Alvatheme’s Featured Products widget.

6 Filter Presets

Highly customizable to cover diverse needs. Filter and order your products using 6 filter presets: Best Seller, Top Rated, Most Viewed, Recently Added, Position and New Products.

Friendly and Flexible Customization

From the Admin panel you can easily configure the widget: show category tabs, hide out of stock products, show/hide different elements from the items and set the width and height of the images, etc.

Responsive and Touch Optimized

Works just as well on a desktop as it does on a tablet or smartphones, with support for swipe gestures on touch devices.


Order now, while there's still time